gives cryptic error messagefindpeaks()
crashes on call to pracma::polyfitfreqz
which resulted in precision error on CRANfreqz()
and signal.scipy.freqz
to match current Octave versionfreqz.Sos()
instead of converting to Armafreqz.Zpg()
converts to Sos instead of Armafiltfilt()
(Rafael Laboissière - pull request #12)zapIm()
on calculation of kr
and p
window function as in Matlab/Octavedecimate()
not compatible with Matlab
with filtfilt()
if FIR filter is requestedfir1()
: adapted calculation of w_ofindpeaks()
(line 174)freqs()
to match freqz()
- delete freqs_plot.R and add function
to freqs.R.pwelch()
instead of direct comparison of class name in ar_psd,
findpeaks, pwelch, sgolayfilt, upfirdnfftfilt()
when FFT length is
provided by userultrwin()
to allow data and filter coefficients to be of type
to allow data and filter coefficients to be of type
for multivariate inputhilbert()
for small amplitude signalsisConjSymm()
function to gsignal-internalifft()
to use isConjSymm()
instead of ZapIm()
and zapIm()
: function now returns a vector if input was a vectorfiltfilt()
: corrected bug in computing filter ends
(default and Sos methods)matrix()
instead of as.matrix()
in functions
, idct()
, czt()
, dst()
, idst()
, fht()
, ifht()
and b
vectors, length of zi
date: 20201213
initial setup. Functions:
Signals: buffer, chirp, cmorwavf, diric, gauspuls, gmonopuls, mexihat, meyeraux, morlet, pulstran, rectpuls, sawtooth, shanwavf, shiftdata, sigmoid_train, sinetone, sinewave, specgram, square, tripuls, udecode, uencode, unshiftdata
Signal Measurement: findpeaks, peak2peak, peak2rms, rms, rssq
Correlation and Convolution: cconv, convmtx, wconv, xcorr, xcorr2, xcov
Filtering: fftfilt, filter, filter2, filtfilt, filtic, medfilt1, movingrms, sgolayfilt, sosfilt
Filter Analysis: freqs, freqs_plot, freqz, freqz_plot, fwhm, grpdelay, impz, zplane
Filter Conversion: polystab, residued, residuez, sos2tf, sos2zp, tf2sos, tf2zp, zp2sos, zp2tf
IIR Filter Design: besselap, besself, bilinear, buttap, butter, buttord, cheb, cheb1ap, cheb1ord, cheb2ap, cheb2ord, cheby1, cheby2 ellip, ellipap, ellipord, iirlp2mb, impinvar, invimpinvar, ncauer, pei_tseng_notch, sftrans
FIR Filter Design: cl2bp, fir1, fir2, firls, kaiserord, qp_kaiser, remez, sgolay
Transforms: bitrevorder, cceps, cplxreal, czt, dct, dct2, dctmtx, dftmtx, digitrevorder, dst, dwt, fftshift, fht, fwht, hilbert, idct, idct2, idst, ifft, ifftshift, ifht, ifwht, imvfft, rceps, stft
Power Spectrum Analysis: ar_psd, cohere, cpsd, csd, db2pow, mscohere, pburg, pow2db, pwelch, pyulear, tfe, tfestimate
Window Functions: barthannwin, bartlett, blackman, blackmanharris, blackmannuttall, bohmanwin, boxcar, chebwin, flattopwin, gaussian, gausswin, hamming, hanning, hann, kaiser, nuttallwin, parzenwin, rectwin, triang, tukeywin, ultrwin, welchwin
System Identification: arburg, aryule, invfreq, invfreqs, invfreqz, levinson
Sample Rate Change: decimate, downsample, interp, resample, upfirdn, upsample
Utility: clustersegment, fracshift, marcumq, primitive, sampled2continuous, schtrig, upsamplefill, wkeep, zerocrossing
Standard Functions: detrend, pad, postpad, prepad
Miscellaneous: Arma, Ma, Zpg, Sos, FilterSpecs, fftconv, unwrap, cplxpair, poly, conv, conv2, residue, polyreduce, mpoles