Package: gsignal 0.4.0-9001

gsignal: Signal Processing

R implementation of the 'Octave' package 'signal', containing a variety of signal processing tools, such as signal generation and measurement, correlation and convolution, filtering, filter design, filter analysis and conversion, power spectrum analysis, system identification, decimation and sample rate change, and windowing.

Authors:Geert van Boxtel [aut, cre], Tom Short [aut], Paul Kienzle [aut], Ben Abbott [ctb], Juan Aguado [ctb], Muthiah Annamalai [ctb], Leonardo Araujo [ctb], William Asquith [ctb], David Bateman [ctb], David Billinghurst [ctb], Juan Pablo Carbajal [ctb], André Carezia [ctb], Vincent Cautaerts [ctb], Eric Chassande-Mottin [ctb], Luca Citi [ctb], Dave Cogdell [ctb], Carlo de Falco [ctb], Carne Draug [ctb], Pascal Dupuis [ctb], John W. Eaton [ctb], R.G.H Eschauzier [ctb], Andrew Fitting [ctb], Alan J. Greenberger [ctb], Mike Gross [ctb], Daniel Gunyan [ctb], Kai Habel [ctb], Kurt Hornik [ctb], Jake Janovetz [ctb], Alexander Klein [ctb], Peter V. Lanspeary [ctb], Bill Lash [ctb], Friedrich Leissh [ctb], Laurent S. Mazet [ctb], Mike Miller [ctb], Petr Mikulik [ctb], Paolo Neis [ctb], Georgios Ouzounis [ctb], Sylvain Pelissier [ctb], Francesco Potortì [ctb], Charles Praplan [ctb], Lukas F. Reichlin [ctb], Tony Richardson [ctb], Asbjorn Sabo [ctb], Thomas Sailer [ctb], Rolf Schirmacher [ctb], Rolf Schirmacher [ctb], Ivan Selesnick [ctb], Julius O. Smith III [ctb], Peter L. Soendergaard [ctb], Quentin Spencer [ctb], Doug Stewart [ctb], P. Sudeepam [ctb], Stefan van der Walt [ctb], Andreas Weber [ctb], P. Sudeepam [ctb], Andreas Weingessel [ctb]

gsignal.pdf |gsignal.html
gsignal/json (API)

# Install 'gsignal' in R:
install.packages('gsignal', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3



9.74 score 24 stars 32 packages 103 scripts 2.6k downloads 194 exports 2 dependencies

Last updated 25 days agofrom:20ead31e23. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 22 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKJan 22 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKJan 22 2025



Signal Processing in R

Rendered fromgsignal.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 22 2025.

Last update: 2024-08-21
Started: 2021-04-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Power spectrum of AR modelar_psd plot.ar_psd print.ar_psd
Autoregressive model coefficients - Burg's methodarburg
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) modelArma as.Arma as.Arma.Arma as.Arma.Ma as.Arma.Sos as.Arma.Zpg
Autoregressive model coefficients - Yule-Walker methodaryule
Modified Bartlett-Hann windowbarthannwin
Bartlett windowbartlett
Bessel analog low-pass filter prototypebesselap
Bessel analog filter designbesself
Bilinear transformationbilinear bilinear.Arma bilinear.default bilinear.Zpg
Permute input to bit-reversed orderbitrevorder
Blackman windowblackman
Blackman-Harris windowblackmanharris
Blackman-Nuttall windowblackmannuttall
Bohman windowbohmanwin
Rectangular windowboxcar
Buffer signal vector into matrix of data segmentsbuffer
Butterworth filter prototypebuttap
Butterworth filter designbutter butter.default butter.FilterSpecs
Butterworth filter order and cutoff frequencybuttord
Complex cepstral analysiscceps
Circular convolutioncconv
Chebyshev polynomialscheb
Chebyshev Type I filter prototypecheb1ap
Chebyshev Type I filter ordercheb1ord
Chebyshev Type II filter prototypecheb2ap
Chebyshev Type II filter ordercheb2ord
Chebyshev windowchebwin
Chebyshev Type I filter designcheby1 cheby1.default cheby1.FilterSpecs
Chebyshev Type II filter designcheby2 cheby2.default cheby2.FilterSpecs
Chirp signalchirp
Constrained L2 bandpass FIR filter designcl2bp
Cluster Segmentsclustersegment
Complex Morlet Waveletcmorwavf
Convolution and polynomial multiplicationconv
2-D convolutionconv2
Convolution matrixconvmtx
Complex conjugate pairscplxpair
Sort complex conjugate pairs and realcplxreal
Cross power spectral densitycpsd csd
Chirp Z-transformczt
Discrete Cosine Transformdct
2-D Discrete Cosine Transformdct2
Discrete Cosine Transform Matrixdctmtx
Decrease sample ratedecimate
Remove Polynomial Trenddetrend
Discrete Fourier Transform Matrixdftmtx
Permute input to digit-reversed orderdigitrevorder
Dirichlet functiondiric
Decrease sample ratedownsample
Discrete Sine Transformdst
1-D Discrete Wavelet Transformdwt wfilters
Elliptic filter designellip ellip.default ellip.FilterSpecs
Low-pass analog elliptic filterellipap
Elliptic Filter Orderellipord
FFT-based convolutionfftconv
FFT-based FIR filteringfftfilt fftfilt.default fftfilt.Ma
Zero-frequency shiftfftshift
Fast Hartley Transformfht ifht
Filter a signalfilter filter.Arma filter.default filter.Ma filter.Sos filter.Zpg
Filter initial conditionsfilter_zi filter_zi.Arma filter_zi.default filter_zi.Ma filter_zi.Sos filter_zi.Zpg
Savitzky-Golay filteringfilter.sgolayFilter sgolayfilt
2-D digital filterfilter2
Filter specificationsFilterSpecs
Zero-phase digital filteringfiltfilt filtfilt.Arma filtfilt.default filtfilt.Ma filtfilt.Sos filtfilt.Zpg
Filter Initial Conditionsfiltic filtic.Arma filtic.default filtic.Ma filtic.Sos filtic.Zpg
Find local extremafindpeaks
Window-based FIR filter designfir1
Frequency sampling-based FIR filter designfir2
Least-squares linear-phase FIR filter designfirls
Flat top windowflattopwin
Fractional shiftfracshift
Frequency response of analog filtersfreqs freqs.Arma freqs.default freqs.Ma freqs.Sos freqs.Zpg freqs_plot print.freqs print.summary.freqs summary.freqs
Frequency response of digital filterfreqz freqz.Arma freqz.default freqz.Ma freqz.Sos freqz.Zpg freqz_plot print.freqz print.summary.freqz summary.freqz
Full width at half maximumfwhm
Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal RF pulsegauspuls
Gaussian convolution windowgaussian
Gaussian windowgausswin
Gaussian monopulsegmonopuls
Group delaygrpdelay grpdelay.Arma grpdelay.default grpdelay.Ma grpdelay.Sos grpdelay.Zpg plot.grpdelay print.grpdelay
Hamming windowhamming
Hann windowhann hanning
Hilbert transformhilbert
Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformidct
Inverse 2-D Discrete Cosine Transformidct2
Inverse Discrete Sine Transformidst
Inverse Fast Fourier Transformifft imvfft
Inverse zero-frequency shiftifftshift
Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transformfwht ifwht
IIR lowpass filter to IIR multibandiirlp2mb iirlp2mb.Arma iirlp2mb.default iirlp2mb.Sos iirlp2mb.Zpg
Impulse invariance method for A/D filter conversionimpinvar impinvar.Arma impinvar.default
Impulse response of digital filterimpz impz.Arma impz.default impz.Ma impz.Sos impz.Zpg print.impz
Inverse Frequency Responseinvfreq invfreqs invfreqz
Inverse impulse invariance methodinvimpinvar invimpinvar.Arma invimpinvar.default
Kaiser windowkaiser
Kaiser filter order and cutoff frequencykaiserord
Durbin-Levinson Recursionlevinson
Moving average (MA) modelMa
Marcum Q functionmarcumq
1-D median filteringmedfilt1
Mexicat Hatmexihat
Meyer wavelet auxiliary functionmeyeraux
Morlet Waveletmorlet
Moving Root Mean Squaremovingrms
Multiplicity of polesmpoles
Magnitude-squared coherencecohere mscohere
ncauer analog filter designncauer
Nuttall-defined minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris windownuttallwin
Pad datapad postpad prepad
Parzen (de la Vallée Poussin) windowparzenwin
Autoregressive PSD estimate - Burg's methodpburg
Maximum-to-minimum differencepeak2peak
Peak-magnitude-to-RMS ratiopeak2rms
Pei-Tseng notch filterpei_tseng_notch
Polynomial with specified rootspoly
Reduce polynomialpolyreduce
Stabilize polynomialpolystab
Power - decibel conversiondb2pow pow2db
Pulse trainpulstran
Welch’s power spectral density estimateplot.pwelch print.pwelch pwelch
Autoregressive PSD estimate - Yule-Walker methodpyulear
Kaiser FIR filter designqp_kaiser
Real cepstrumrceps
Rectangular pulserectpuls
Rectangular windowrectwin
Parks-McClellan optimal FIR filter designremez
Change sampling rateresample
Partial fraction expansionresidue rresidue
delayed z-transform partial fraction expansionresidued
Z-transform partial fraction expansionresiduez
Signal reconstructionsampled2continuous
Sawtooth or triangle wavesawtooth
Schmitt Triggerschtrig
Transform filter band edgessftrans sftrans.Arma sftrans.default sftrans.Zpg
Savitzky-Golay filter designsgolay
Complex Shannon Waveletshanwavf
Shift data to operate on specified dimensionshiftdata
Sigmoid Trainsigmoid_train
Sine tonesinetone
Sine wavesinewave
Second-order sectionsas.Sos as.Sos.Arma as.Sos.Ma as.Sos.Sos as.Sos.Zpg Sos
Sos to transfer functionsos2tf
Sos to zero-pole-gainsos2zp
Second-order sections filteringsosfilt
Spectrogramplot.specgram print.specgram specgram
Square wavesquare
Short-Term Fourier Transformstft
Transfer function to second-order sections formtf2sos
Transfer function to zero-pole-gain formtf2zp
Transfer Function Estimatetfe tfestimate
Triangular windowtriang
Sampled aperiodic triangletripuls
Tukey (tapered cosine) windowtukeywin
Uniform decoderudecode
Uniform encoderuencode
Ultraspherical windowultrwin
Inverse of shiftdataunshiftdata
Unwrap phase anglesunwrap
Upsample, apply FIR filter, downsampleupfirdn
Increase sample rateupsample
Upsample and Fillupsamplefill
1-D or 2-D convolutionwconv
Welch windowwelchwin
Keep part of vector or matrixwkeep
2-D cross-correlationxcorr2
Zero Crossingzerocrossing
Zero-pole-gain to second-order section formatzp2sos
Zero-pole-gain to transfer functionzp2tf
Zero pole gain modelas.Zpg as.Zpg.Arma as.Zpg.Ma as.Zpg.Sos as.Zpg.Zpg Zpg
Zero-pole plotzplane zplane.Arma zplane.default zplane.Ma zplane.Sos zplane.Zpg